Yevych R.M., Perechinskii S.I., Grabar A.A., Vysochanskii Yu.M. Temperature investigations of hypersound velocities in Sn2P2(SexS1-x)6 ferroelectric mixed crystals// Ferroelectrics. – 2004. – V.298. – P.97-101.
Yevych R.M., Perechinskii S.I., Gad'mashi Z.P., Shpak I.I., Vysochanskii Yu.M., Slivka V.Yu. Rayleigh-Brillouin scattering in chalcogenide glasses of the Ge-As-S system// Optics and Spectroscopy. – 2004. – V.97, №1. –P.83-87.
Vysochanskii Yu., Stefanovich V., Mytrovcij V., Mykajlo O., Yevych R., Gurzan M. Phonon spectra and phase transitions in CuInP2(SexS1-x)6 and Sn2P2(SexS1-x)6 ferroelectrics // Ferroelectrics. – 2002. – V.267. – P.397-402.
Євич Р.М., Грабар О.О., Височанський Ю.М. Динаміка ґратки шаруватого кристалу SnP2S6// Науковий вісник УжНУ. Серія Фізика. –2000. –№7. –С.98-103.
Євич Р.М., Грабар О.О., Височанський Ю.М. Динаміка ґратки шаруватих кристалiв SnP2S6// Складні оксиди, халькогенiди та галогенiди для функціональної електроніки. Х науково-технічна конференція. –Ужгород (Україна). –2000. –C.126.
Евич Р.М., Белів Л.М., Перечинский С.И., Грабар А.А., Высочанский Ю.М. Мандельштам-бриллюэновская спектроскопия динамики решетки в сегнетоэлектрике Sn2P2S6// XVI Всероссийская конференция по физике сегнетоэлектриков ВКС-XVI-2002. –Тверь (Россия). –2002 . –C.101.
Yevych R.M. Lattice dynamics calculations of Sn2P2(SxSe1-x)6 mixed crystals// VI Ukrainian-Polish and II East-European Meeting on Ferroelectrics Physics. –Uzhgorod-Synjak (Ukraine). –2002. –P.58.
Yevych R.M., Rushchanskii K.Z., Mitrovcij V.V. Lattice dynamics and chemical bonding of the SnP2S6 crystals: calculations and experiments// VI Ukrainian-Polish and II East-European Meeting on Ferroelectrics Physics. –Uzhgorod-Synjak (Ukraine). –2002. –P.59.
Yevych R.M., Perechinskii S.I., Grabar A.A., Vysochanskii Yu.M., Slivka V.Yu. Temperature dependence of the Brillouin specrta in Sn2P2S6 ferroelectric crystals// VI Ukrainian-Polish and II East-European Meeting on Ferroelectrics Physics. –Uzhgorod-Synjak (Ukraine). –2002. –P.77.
Yevych R.M., Beley L.M., Stoika I.M., Perechinskii S.I., Vysochanskii Yu.M. Brillouin scattering near the Lifshitz point in Sn2P2(Se0.28S0.72)6 crystals// VI Ukrainian-Polish and II East-European Meeting on Ferroelectrics Physics. –Uzhgorod-Synjak (Ukraine). –2002. –P.79.
Yevych R.M., Perechinskii S.I., Khoma M.M., Vysochanskii Yu.M. Temperature investigations of the Brillouin scattering in Sn2P2(SexS1-x)6 ferroelectrics// 11th International Conference on Phonon Scattering in Condensed Matter. –St Petersburg (Russia). –2004. –P.192.
Yevych R.M., Beley L.M., Perechinskii S.I., Vysochanskii Yu.M. Investigations of acoustic phonons near the Lifshitz point in Sn2P2S(Se)6 by Brillouin scattering// French-Ukrainian Meeting an Ferroelectrisity. –Dinard (France). –2002.
Yevych R.M., Perechinskii S.I., Grabar A.A., Vysochanskii Yu.M. Temperature investigations of the Brilloiun scattering in Sn2P2(Se0.28S0.72)6 ferroelectric crystals// The fourth international seminar on ferroelastics physics. –Voronezh (Russia). –2003. –P.107.
Yevych R., Perechinskii S., Grabar A., Vysochanskii Yu. Temperature investigations of hypersound velocities in Sn2P2(SexS1-x)6 ferroelectric mixed crystals// NATO advanced research workshop on the disordered ferroelectrics. –Kiev (Ukraine). –2003. –P.103.
Vysochanskii Yu., Yevych R., Grabar A., Perechinskii S. Brilloiun spectroscopy of lattice instability near Lifshitz point in Sn2P2(SexS1-x)6 ferroelectrics// The 10th European meeting on ferroelectricity. –Cambridge (UK). –2003. –P.351.
Yevych R.M., Vysochanskii Yu.M. Lattice dynamics and phase transitions in Sn2P2S(Se)6 ferroelectrics// Statistical Physics 2005: Modern Problems and New Applications. –Lviv (Ukraine). –2005. –P.82.
Височанський Ю.М., Євич Р.М. Неспiвмiрнi фази в кристалах сеґнетоелектрикiв напiвпровiдникiв// Всеукраїнський з’їзд «Фiзика в Українi». –Одеса (Україна). –2005. –С.17.